Posted by: tharchaw | December 11, 2007

Culture Shock!

I already finished my MBA degree in IMBA program at NCKU in July 2007. I got lots of experience and knowledge. Especially in culture different. In our program, there are more than 30 different countries all over the world. Most are from Asian. When we first arrived Taiwan, we are not feel very different from my country. But most of my friends from west, they firstly got difficulty in eating. I remembered that when we went to eat with my friend from Panama, she had no idea what to order, how to eat with chop stick and why we eat rice everyday??? 😛 But for us, my friend from New Zealand, he can eat potato everyday in different way… Big culture different!!! The most different in thinking way and living style. West live independent, East live society or group or network or cluster. Western train people talk freedom, but eastern train people follow the elder. West have own idea, but most eastern didn’t show up their own idea in public. West like information symmetry but east like information asymmetry (put in the mind, share only within close friends).

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